Discover Grit & Goals Magazine

 All ads are live-linked in the free digital issue!

Inside the front cover or first page - $600 (only 2 spots available each issue)

  • These are the first pages seen by customers

  • 2 paid boosted social media posts  - one on Facebook and one on Instagram

  • The graphic design layout is included. 

Full Page - $500 paid boosted social media post on Facebook

Half Page - $260, Includes one social media post.

Quarter Page - $130

Business card  - $75

Next Issue -Fall 2024, Advertisement content deadline: August 15


Brand Partnerships Are Available

Are you interested in a corporate brand partnership? This top-tier experience could include professional photography at your business, paid social media campaigns, various ad pages with graphic design included, appearance in multiple issues, and being mentioned as a sponsor during Instagram live interviews. Contact us today to schedule a conversation about creating a custom brand partnership.